Our Milestones
Founding of EPRO High Purity Silicon Ltd and launch of a lab in Shaoguan to study the reduction of high purity quartz ore via electrolysis
PCT filing on “A Method and Apparatus for Producing Silicon”
Kicked-off project on conductive fabric at Polytechnic University of Hong Kong
Kicked-off project on fiber polymer materials at Tiangong University
Founding of EPRO Industrial Ltd in Hong Kong and 连海汇 (惠州) 精密科技有限公司
for R&D and manufacturing of functional fibers and fabrics
Patent filed on our Si+
National phase patent filing of our Si+
Kicked-off project on optimisation of Hydrogen generation at City University of
Hong Kong -
Kicked-off project on the treatment of wastewater by membrane distillation at
City University of Hong Kong -
Obtained HKSAR government subsidy for a HKD7.5 million project, with 40%
cash rebate, setting up Si+ production line in Yuen Long
Launched pilot production facility in Yuen Long Industrial Estate (managed by HKSTP)
Changed name from EPRO Industrial Ltd to EPRO Advance Technology Ltd, consolidating companies working on energy-related projects
Obtained HKSAR government subsidy for a HKD1.5 million project, with 40%
cash rebate, to study the feasibility of a Hydrogen generator
Showcased Hydrogen generation demo kit at the Las Vegas Consumer
Electronics Show -
Sold the first batch of Si+ to customers in China and Japan
HKSAR government funding approved for research on Si+ lithium-ion battery of
up to HKD12.6M -
Si+ patent rights allowed in the EU, Korea, and Japan
Conductive textile patent rights allowed in Japan, China, and the USA
Filed solid-state Hydrogen patent
Presented our products at SNEC International Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology
Conference & Exhibition at Shanghai and Hydrogen Economy Conference in
Hong Kong -
Showcased our Hydrogen generation demo kit at UNDP Hydrogen Industry Conference at Foshan, Guangdong